Hi Chris,
You get an error saying "Input data type does not match output for input 'input1'." I agree with you that it should work. If you look at passing in a non-array value, the VEX code looks like it would be perfectly happy receiving an array as it just calls "min(parm)".

I figure it must be some sort of validation that's happening at a higher level in the Network Editor that's forbidding the array to be hooked up to it.

On 30/03/2017 10:42, Christopher Crouzet wrote:
Hey Andy,

    Seems reasonable?

I am not arguing against the creation of a GetArrayMinimum node, I was just being curious to understand what I was missing (the min() VEX function always seemed to work for me), so thanks for taking the time to explain!

In fact I'm now curious to know why the MinVOP wouldn't work on arrays but unfortunately I don't have access to any of the *Array*VOP nodes in Houdini 13 so I cannot try it on my end. Does the node errors out when you connect a single array into the first input? If not, maybe you can check "View VEX Code" to see what's happening there? Since VOP compiles directly to VEX, I wouldn't have expected that it'd work in one case but not the other.

On 30 March 2017 at 15:58, Andy Nicholas <a...@andynicholas.com <mailto:a...@andynicholas.com>> wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Yes, the min() VEX function does indeed work on arrays, but the
    Min VOP unfortunately doesn’t.

    It works as a good example though. I don’t want to confuse things,
    but if we assume for a moment that the Min VOP did actually work
    on arrays, I think it wouldn’t be unreasonable to find a way to
    expose the functionality better to an artist, as it’s fairly
    unusual to have a function that finds the minimum of several
    inputs, as well as coping with feeding an array in. Creating a
    node called "Get Array Min” that wraps the “Min” VOP, would make
    things clearer at a small expense of duplication. Also, if someone
    hits Tab and types “Array”, then they get to see all the nodes
    that work on arrays include the new “Get Array Min” node. Without
    it, they wouldn’t ever see the Min VOP and would risk overlooking
    that functionality.

    This way of thinking is similar to what SideFX have been doing
    with the wrangle SOPs. (For those who don’t know, the Attribute
    Wrangle,Vertex Wrangle, Point Wrangle, and Primitive Wrangle are
    all exactly the same nodes, just with different presets applied.)
    I think this added verbosity of “macro” nodes is okay in
    situations where it provides clarity and requires the user to
    remember less. Just as long as you don’t end up with a library of
    nodes that does nothing but translate the linguistic differences
    between Softimage and Houdini, as that wouldn’t really help anyone
    in the long run.

    But since the Min VOP doesn’t work, I imagine we would just wrap a
    VEX snippet calling the min() function and make sure it looks as
    similar as possible to the other VOPs. Seems reasonable?

    I rarely feel the need for storing arrays in attributes

    Yep, arrays aren’t needed that often in attributes, but they’re
    essential for some types of operations, e.g. edge relaxing, where
    you need to store rest edge lengths. I would imagine that most
    people who have used a lot of ICE find it quite comfortable to use
    arrays (e.g strands) and are an essential part of their toolkit,
    so it makes sense to streamline Houdini's workflow to support it.

    Maybe the first thing to do before porting a node/workflow from
    Softimage would be to figure out how to do it best in Houdini, as
    a way to get more familiar with Houdini's philosophy, and then
    balance the pros/cons of each approach.

    Exactly. See what I wrote in the first paragraph in my reply to
    Jordi yesterday at 20:08 and I think you’ll see we’re thinking on
    the same lines. Whatever gets made must feel like a natural
    extension of Houdini and be highly compatible with the standard
    way of working in Houdini, rather than working against it.

    I think there’ll be a lot of back and forth about how nodes are
    authored and what expectations we need to have of them, so do get
    involved when it moves across to the Google group.


    On 30 Mar 2017, at 02:09, Christopher Crouzet
    <mailto:christopher.crou...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Regarding GetArrayMinimum: there is a min()
    <http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/functions/min> function
    in VEX, or were you referring to something else?

    Note that I'm still using Houdini 13 where support for arrays is
    not as extended as in later versions, but I rarely feel the need
    for storing arrays in attributes, or even using arrays at all in
    my code. An example of exception would be to store the list of
    neighbouring indices for the downstream nodes to use, but then
    it's likely that putting all the logic in a single monolithic VEX
    instead wouldn't be such a bad approach.

    Maybe the first thing to do before porting a node/workflow from
    Softimage would be to figure out how to do it best in Houdini, as
    a way to get more familiar with Houdini's philosophy, and then
    balance the pros/cons of each approach.

    PS: I personally find it cool to see the list revived with
    Houdini discussions!

    On 30 March 2017 at 02:10, Jonathan Moore
    <jonathan.moo...@gmail.com <mailto:jonathan.moo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        /| BTW, I suspect that many on this list might prefer we move
        the discussion elsewhere to stop the off-topic noise. I was
        thinking of Google groups being a good option./


        Sounds like a good idea.

        <mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com>] *On Behalf
        Of *Andy Nicholas
        *Sent:* 29 March 2017 20:08
        *To:* Official Softimage Users Mailing List.
        *Subject:* Re: Houdini Digital Assets for Softies

        Yep, agreed. I think we can be more ambitious. Rather than
        just cloning old workflows, we should use them as inspiration
        to improve on. There’s no point precisely duplicating
        something if that ends up causing long time Houdini users
        confusion because it doesn’t work the way they expect, or if
        it adds too much performance overhead just to make it “nice”
        from a Softimage point of view. I think it should be about
        making Houdini faster, simpler, and easier to use to create
        and rapidly prototype effects. That was what we liked so much
        about Softimage and ICE after all.

        Houdini tends to have big nodes with lots of functionality. I
        think we should think about having smaller nodes, with more
        singular functionality that is extremely clear. That way, you
        don’t have to read the manual each time you put one down.
        They should all be VEX expression-able too. I suspect some
        sort of convention about how nodes are made will be necessary
        in order to provide simplicity through consistency.

        How easy all this will be in practice, I don’t know. I
        suspect the most important thing to decide on first is what
        the problem actually is, before we figure out ways to solve
        it. Three key areas for me are:

        * Obvious missing VOP functionality (e.g. like the example
        that came up earlier: GetArrayMinimum, etc.)

        * Extend the POP functionality. I find the current one quite
        clunky and hard to do things quickly like manipulating
        particle orientation. Ever tried making a particle spin
        around it’s local velocity as it travels? It's not quick to
        do at all.

        * Decide on some typical and frequently used DOP use cases
        and figure out ways to set them up simply. E.g. Emit RBD From

        That’s just off the top of my head, but I’m sure others have
        their own ideas and priorities which I’d love to hear. Do
        pipe up as well if there’s something you’re keen to help with
        or have a strong opinion on. I’m not doing it all myself! ;)

        BTW, I suspect that many on this list might prefer we move
        the discussion elsewhere to stop the off-topic noise. I was
        thinking of Google groups being a good option.


            On 29 Mar 2017, at 19:30, Jordi Bares
            <jordiba...@gmail.com <mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Don't you think although the inspiration may be to clone
            useful components and tools found in Softimage there is
            potentially a much bigger scope?

            Not only that, traditional Houdini artists may find these
            tools useful too?

            I guess what I am trying to say is, Softimage is dead,
            let's move on to an even better place rather than hang
            around in old memories.

            My 2 cents


            Sent from my iPhone

            On 29 Mar 2017, at 19:23, Olivier Jeannel
            <facialdel...@gmail.com <mailto:facialdel...@gmail.com>>

                The EOL_lib


                The KnightsOfNi_lib

                2017-03-29 20:05 GMT+02:00 Fabricio Chamon
                <xsiml...@gmail.com <mailto:xsiml...@gmail.com>>:

                    softLib looks good!

                    Em qua, 29 de mar de 2017 às 18:51, Andy Nicholas
                    <mailto:a...@andynicholas.com>> escreveu:

                        haha! :)

                        Will leave this question hanging tonight in
                        case anyone else wants

                        to chime in. Final decision can happen tomorrow.

                        On 29/03/2017 17:38, Olivier Jeannel


                            Autodesk lib ?

                            Naaaa too rancorous...

                            On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, Andy
                            Nicholas <a...@andynicholas.com


                                I'd probably go with

                                something like Andy's siLib or
                                softLib - it's a bit more

                                obvious what it is. Probably the
                                latter if it was up to me.

                                What do you guys think? Any other

                                On 29/03/2017 17:14, Jonathan Moore

                                    I was thinking H20...

                                    On 29 March 2017 at 17:12, Andy




                                        honor of inspiration how about?

                                        • softLib

                                        • siLib

                                        • ICELib

                                        > On Mar 29, 2017, at 6:08
                                        PM, Andy Nicholas




                                        > Continuing the thread here:


                                        > Any suggestions for a name?

                                        > A


                                        > On 29/03/2017 17:00, Andy
                                        Nicholas wrote:

                                        >> I'm more than happy to
                                        help. I'm just

                                        unsure how much time I'll be

                                        >> able to devote to this as
                                        I'm pretty

                                        busy with some personal work at

                                        >> the moment.


                                        >> How about I set up
                                        something similar to

                                        Nick's on Github and we go

                                        >> from there?


                                        >> We need a name for it.
                                        Let's start a

                                        new thread on the list and move

                                        >> discussions over to that.
                                        Is that okay?


                                        >> A


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        ------ Softimage Mailing List. To unsubscribe, send a mail to
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