I was really hoping to hear that people had made the full jump to Maya and
had left a map as to best practices and essential plug-ins / preference
settings (necessary workflow strategies).  *Basically the end result being
a very workable Maya solution that wouldn’t leave a Softimage veteran fully

Is there no customized way to make Maya fit like a designer glove yet
(according to veteran Softimage users)?  *What did all the Vancouver and
Japanese Softimage studios do?*

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 5:19 PM, Daniel Kim <danielki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My opinion is, it is depending where you are working at this moment.
> If you are working in Game industry, MODO could be an alternative option
> for you. I know many studios are using Maya but it is pain. If you are
> working in VFX or Animation industry, Maya, Maya + Houdini, Maya + Cinema
> 4D will be the option. If you are working in education industry as a
> lecturer, anything could be possible but Maya or Blender will be the choice
> for future students' job searching.
> It is always depending on what software is being used in the studios and
> industry, but there are small chances that you can use your own software I
> guess. the best thing is you follow what they use for your job search. Many
> studios use Maya as their main but one or two alternative tools for your
> task will be also great.
> This is just my opinion, and I guess many other SI users here will show
> you their option.
> Daniel
> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 11:47 AM Martin Yara <furik...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you have a Softimage license, I'd stick to it. Specially if your final
>> product is not data, but a rendered, processed movie I don't see the
>> necessity for a complete change.
>> You could still use Softimage as your base for modeling and animation,
>> and add let's say 3DCoat for texturing, ZBrush for sculpting, Redshift for
>> rendering, Houdini for FX, etc.
>> I mean, for example, for modeling and animation I could still use XSI 7
>> with a few plugins without affecting very much my workflow and I'm sure I
>> would still be faster than using Maya.
>> The only reason why I use Maya is because that's what the market is using
>> and the game projects we get are mostly in Maya, but I don't see Maya, Max
>> or Modo creating a new revolutionary feature that would force you to change
>> anytime soon.
>> Even if the final product is in Maya, I'm still using Softimage for
>> modeling and weights. FBX and some scripts work fine to exchange the data
>> between them, so why would I stick to use only Maya if I've got both
>> licenses.
>> Now, if you don't have a Softimage license, then it is a hard decision.
>> Martin
>> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 6:07 PM, Pierre Schiller <
>> activemotionpictu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Skuby have you heard?
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__3dcinetv.com_blender-2Dsoftimage-2Dtheme-2Dsoftimage-2Dmod-2Dtheme_&d=DwIFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=svH6FN2J7SeEAuUS43eMw2bv7o-io0dslYKgsPqUlg0&s=QSnvjBej7oH6n-c3lxzS3_W4rI0tV7aHMMBm04Oh00I&e=
>>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__3dcinetv.com_blender-2Dsoftimage-2Dtheme-2Dsoftimage-2Dmod-2Dtheme_&d=DwMFaQ&c=76Q6Tcqc-t2x0ciWn7KFdCiqt6IQ7a_IF9uzNzd_2pA&r=GmX_32eCLYPFLJ529RohsPjjNVwo9P0jVMsrMw7PFsA&m=DbGES53dxuplVRMKdIZujAWj2AcCqN576VwrJkpzZR0&s=T1CiiTWMFclyPAu0anjnsunf40Y2Q9LozqVxWtE-5uI&e=>
>>> Some things are replaceable, others hard wired. The fact that is free
>>> and real time powerful for the next version will appeal your thoughts about
>>> leaving.
>>> Read the post. Leave feedback. Now you'll be the first one on the list.
>>> I went using modo, 3d coat, now on Blender. Hu is my next target.
>>> Cheers.
>>> On Oct 7, 2017 3:44 AM, "kenny wood" <k3nnyw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I asked this question myself . After starting to use maya for a year
>>> after a 10 year break .I dumped it and went back to xsi...nothing else
>>> comes close overall as a generalist tool .
>>> If you don't have to use anything else then don't...unless a job
>>> requires you to know another tool .
>>> On 7 Oct 2017 10:39, "skuby" <sku...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> TLDR = Where do I go/which program?  I’m specifically asking hardcore
>>>> Softimage users who knew all the hotkeys and L/R/MMB clicks/shortcuts,
>>>> sticky keys, etc..  And wore the software like a custom fit glove.  All
>>>> aspects (modeling/rigging/anim/UV/all of it etc.)  I was a freelancer,
>>>> not a specialist. I won’t be working in the 3D segment of the industry
>>>> again, but I want a professional generalist tool-kit back in my art 
>>>> toolbox.
>>>> -Has Maya become use-able out of the box (according to Softimage vets)
>>>> (w/ preferences tweaks)?  Did anyone make a plug-in or hotkey kit for
>>>> Softimage users?  Does it still take 4+ steps/clicks for everything
>>>> vs. Softimage even after learning Maya best practices?
>>>> Was there any recent talk of bringing Softimage back, even with limited
>>>> support?  I’d pay $30+ per month for it w/Mudbox in a heartbeat. (I’d
>>>> pay the same for Maya + Mudbox if it was viable for me)  (I’m close to
>>>> giving up on Blender, interface/usability wise it’s still way too far away
>>>> from Softimage and it took A LOT of effort to get to the point where I am
>>>> with it now, too much effort).
>>>> After all this time, how did you solve this problem? Is your solution
>>>> adequate or still frustrating?
>>>> About Me: I spent a small fortune training Softimage at Vancouver Film
>>>> School/VFS and then worked as a freelancer for small commercials (before
>>>> that I trained Maya at SVA for 4 years and I hated the Maya software, I was
>>>> using it afterwards at a small film and commercial company).  More
>>>> recently I swung over to websites and now have moved fully into 2D
>>>> Illustration.  I miss my 3D toolset (and have practical commercial
>>>> uses for it now), and I really need to bring it back into my toolbox.  I’d
>>>> be willing to put in the time to re-learn some things that I already know
>>>> how to do, but I won’t settle for sub-par interfaces, I’m sick of banging
>>>> my head into the wall.
>>>> Please help me, I’m completely lost, frustrated and heart-broken.
>>>> Best of luck to all of you.  Thank you for your time.
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