One note on Houdini that character animation is far away from Softimage.
One big stopping point there is lack of riggers. I was trying to look
around and Houdini riggers pool is close to non.
Now unless you have time and wan't to learn rigging completely as well....
This one is a bit  stopping point for me at the moment.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 4:03 PM, Olivier Jeannel <>

> I've moved to Houdini. If by far Softimage was easier or more friendly, I
> found that Houdini provides a never ending learning curve with unlimited
> possibilities.
> If you're not affraid to learn and want to give 3D some little sense, I
> strongly suggest you (patiently) give Houdini a go.
> 2017-10-07 14:03 GMT+02:00 Mirko Jankovic <>:
>> Old saying was, it still is and will probably be accurate for a bit
>> longer...
>> With Softimage you work, with Maya you workaround
>> ᐧ
>> On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Sven Constable <>
>> wrote:
>>> I heard positive things about Cinema4D from ex-SI users, regarding
>>> usability and speed. I never used it and never will but as I was told, it
>>> has a fast learning curve and is very well suited for standard tasks.
>>> Especially motion graphics and such.
>>> But, if you already have a Softimage license and you are used to work
>>> with it over the years AND you are a one man show, delivering final
>>> animations and renderings, I don’t'see a need to change tools.
>>> As other said, the only reason to switch to Maya is when you're planning
>>> to work as a freelancer at companies again. If you're in the lucky
>>> situation to do your own productions, you're pretty much free to use
>>> whatever you want :)
>>> The only slightly uncomfortable thing using Softimage is, that I'm
>>> feeling a bit lonely ;) We're using a software that noone will start to
>>> learn anymore. There are still ppl on this list and a few forums, but they
>>> will diminish further. I'd feel much better if there would be Softimage
>>> Inc. around, even if they won't sell or develop the product anymore.
>>> Sven
>>> *From:* [mailto:
>>>] *On Behalf Of *skuby
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 07, 2017 10:39 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* I'm lost / Which Software fills the void / help!?
>>> TLDR = Where do I go/which program?  I’m specifically asking hardcore
>>> Softimage users who knew all the hotkeys and L/R/MMB clicks/shortcuts,
>>> sticky keys, etc..  And wore the software like a custom fit glove.  All
>>> aspects (modeling/rigging/anim/UV/all of it etc.)  I was a freelancer, not
>>> a specialist. I won’t be working in the 3D segment of the industry again,
>>> but I want a professional generalist tool-kit back in my art toolbox.
>>> -Has Maya become use-able out of the box (according to Softimage vets)
>>> (w/ preferences tweaks)?  Did anyone make a plug-in or hotkey kit for
>>> Softimage users?  Does it still take 4+ steps/clicks for everything vs.
>>> Softimage even after learning Maya best practices?
>>> Was there any recent talk of bringing Softimage back, even with limited
>>> support?  I’d pay $30+ per month for it w/Mudbox in a heartbeat. (I’d pay
>>> the same for Maya + Mudbox if it was viable for me)  (I’m close to giving
>>> up on Blender, interface/usability wise it’s still way too far away from
>>> Softimage and it took A LOT of effort to get to the point where I am with
>>> it now, too much effort).
>>> After all this time, how did you solve this problem? Is your solution
>>> adequate or still frustrating?
>>> About Me: I spent a small fortune training Softimage at Vancouver Film
>>> School/VFS and then worked as a freelancer for small commercials (before
>>> that I trained Maya at SVA for 4 years and I hated the Maya software, I was
>>> using it afterwards at a small film and commercial company).  More recently
>>> I swung over to websites and now have moved fully into 2D Illustration.  I
>>> miss my 3D toolset (and have practical commercial uses for it now), and I
>>> really need to bring it back into my toolbox.  I’d be willing to put in the
>>> time to re-learn some things that I already know how to do, but I won’t
>>> settle for sub-par interfaces, I’m sick of banging my head into the wall.
>>> Please help me, I’m completely lost, frustrated and heart-broken.
>>> Best of luck to all of you.  Thank you for your time.
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>> --
>> Mirko Jankovic
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Mirko Jankovic

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