hi dear authors,

as the map-00 draft contains the normative 1:1 mode statement that is new
in comparison to the previous versions, i'd like to ask some technical
questions in order to clarify the understanding.

Section 4. page 9:

MAP can also be provisioned in 1:1 mode. In 1:1 mode the BR has a
MAP domain per subscriber, and the CE is configured in hub and spoke
mode, with only a DMR and no other mapping rules. This allows for a
mode where the BR has one rule per subscriber and the provisioning of
IPv4 address or prefix and port sets is independent of the End-User
IPv6 prefix.

Question #1: who is a "subscriber"? the definition is missing. and
relatedly, what is the protocol for the subscription? the specification on
the protocol is missing too.

Question #2: what is the relationship between 1:1 mode, encapsulation mode,
translation mode, hub&spoke mode, mesh mode? are they independent to each
other, exclusively or not, somehow orthogonal or not? the specification on
the "mode" is missing.

Question #3: what is the resource for deployment of a "MAP domain"? the MAP
spec never define that. however, we kept understanding that the resource
for a "MAP domain" includes:
             - an IPv4 prefix (with prefix length 32 or less) shared by CEs
in this domain
             - an IPv6 prefix (with prefix length 64 or less) delegated to
the CEs in this domain with a /64 (or shorter) per CE (as the basic model
of prefix d
             the newly introduced "1:1 mode" obviously abandons this
understanding, then an explicit definition on the resource of a "MAP
domain" is requested. this is the origin and essential starting point of
the MAP deployment.

Section 5. page 10:

  * Forwarding mode

Question #4: this appears twice at the definition of BMR and DMR,
respectively. though Wojieich and Remi has discussed that in another
thread, i would like to confirm: is this mode a domain configuration
parameter or a rule parameter?

Question #5: does this "forwarding mode" is a enumerate type of {MAP-T,
MAP-E, 1:1, hub&spoke, mesh} or else, e.g., {MAP-T, MAP-E} x {1:1, N:1} x
{hub&spoke, mesh}, where the "x" is the operator for de Cartesian product
of sets? (related to #2)

Section 7.1 page 19:

In 1:1 mode, the MAP CE is provisioned with only a Default Mapping
Rule, and the full IPv4 address/prefix and port range is provisioned
using the DHCP option.

Question #6: is the CE or the subscriber the receiver of the "full IPv4
address/prefix and port range" (correction: port set) to be provisioned? or
does it mean a CE is a subscriber itself in the 1:1 mode?

Section 7.3 page 19:

A MAP-E CE provisioned with only a Default Mapping Rule, as in the
1:1 case, and with no IPv4 address and port range configured by other
means, MUST disable its NAT44 functionality.

Question #7: this text is contradictory with Section 7.1. is the DHCP
option a sort of "other means" or not, or there's something out of scope of
this draft?

Question #8: what is the consequence of disabling the NAT44 functionality
on CE when a subscriber having a PSID of a share IPv4 address is running
behind that CE as a 1:1 mode domain?

before all of the above questions and further questions possibly to be
generated during the discussion are fully clarified, i cannot help but
gently show my disagreement on putting the current draft as working group
result. i also hope the MAP spec authors kindly understand with so many
uncertainty modifying MAP deployment draft to fit the MAP spec is a
mission-impossible for the time being.

thanks and regards,
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