On 28/11/2007, Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm only talking about the data, not the configs.  From the error it
> looks like your index is broken.  If you can rebuild it that is probably
> the best option.  If you have a backup elsewhere, that should also work.

Deleting the index directory and restarting seems like the plan - I'll
try that next.

> > ( the admin
> > interface, which we need for analyse.jsp (yuck - screenscraping - how
> > very early 90s) keeps on disappearing).
> >
> what servlet container are you running?  is it jetty?  Any chance it is
> related to:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-118

Yes - it's jetty - yes it's default config setting - yes that sounds
like exactly the problem - I'll try replacing the /tmp dir in the
settings if I can find it.

> re screenscraping, most of the admin interface has request handler
> equivalents now - except analysis.jsp - This would be a good one to
> refactor.

*cough* MVC anyone ? Didn't Java have an MVC framework back in the
days before Rails (heck even perl had an MVC before rails) ;)

It's bad enough I have to use a web service interface instead a nice
library in my preferred language - but screen scraping is postively

That's one of the most infuriating things about Java applications -
unless you happen to be using Java you're a 2nd class citizen and have
to use the paupers gate (webservices) no direct integration of
libraries or features - something that grates when you can use native
language bindings for the webserver, the database, the operating
system, etc. Don't get me started on the 'this application needs it's
own java web/application server' meme.

Thanks for the help Ryan and Yonik, I would never have been able to
get to the bottom of this without your help. I'm afraid I'm a Perl
Monger and so my eyes tend to glaze over when trying to decipher Java
lingo about servlet containers, beans, or randomly scattered and
verbose XML configuration :)


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