I have observed this behavior with several versions of solr (4.10, 6.1, and
now 7.2)

I look in the admin console and look at a core and see that it is not
I also notice that there are lots of segments etc...

I look at the latest timestamp on a record in the collection and see that
it is over 24 hours old.

I send a commit to the collection, and then see that the core is now
current, and the segments are fewer. The commit worked

This is the setting in solrconfig.xml
<autoCommit> <maxTime>${solr.autoCommit.maxTime:60000}</maxTime> <
openSearcher>false</openSearcher> </autoCommit>

Our Solr startup sets solr.autoCommit

Yet it looks like we don't get commits regularity. This morning I saw
several collections that hadn't had a hard commit in more than 24 hours.

How can this be? I don't feel that we can rely on Solr's autocommit
capability and this is disturbing


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