Thank you. That seems to be working well, except when I included a wild card
for any of the terms, the wildcard term isn't being found out.

My searches are actually:
q=+(A A*) +(C C*)&q.op=OR

When I do a regular search on "A*" or "C*" I get matches but not in the
context of the above query. The ability to use wildcards seems to get lost.

This is all for the purposes of a "live search" in which we return matches
as the user types, thus the wildcard.  A and C represent two different terms
a user has typed in the search box (where we are providing the live-search



On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Ahmet Arslan <> wrote:

> > I have a query need that requires multiple OR conditions,
> > and, there must be
> > a match in each condition for the query to provide a
> > result.
> >
> > The search would be * (A or B) AND (C or D)* and the only
> > valid results it
> > could turn up are:
> >
> > A B
> > A C
> > B C
> > B D
> >
> > Can anyone provide guidance as to how to implement this in
> > the query string?
> It should be something like : q=+(A B) +(C D)&q.op=OR

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