Hi Ahmet,

Thanks for the response again. The best way I could illustrate our live
search feature is an example implementation:


Notice when you search the word "senior" in the keywords field, the results
filter down to just the job postings with that word in it.

So it's not the same as an "autocomplete" type feature where as the user
types in the search input box, their input is completed. We are just
focusing on providing results with each key stroke.  If the user types "Ca",
we will return anything with "Cat" in it. Thus we need the wildcard. As of
now we send a query to solr of "Ca*".  However, solr can struggle with
wildcards where it won't return a match on a word if there is a wildcard at
the end of a fully-typed word. You have to leave off the last letter of that
word and an asterisk to match it.

We're attempting to do an "OR" search of the "term OR term*" anytime a user
enters a term. Our need mix these "or" searches with an AND command is
because if a user types two words, we are requiring both words be in the
result to have a match.  Your suggestion as how to do this worked
beautifully, except for the fact that it didn't seem to be able to find
wildcarded terms when indeed it should have.



On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 6:57 PM, Ahmet Arslan <iori...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > Thank you. That seems to be working
> > well, except when I included a wild card
> > for any of the terms, the wildcard term isn't being found
> > out.
> >
> > My searches are actually:
> > q=+(A A*) +(C C*)&q.op=OR
> >
> > When I do a regular search on "A*" or "C*" I get matches
> > but not in the
> > context of the above query. The ability to use wildcards
> > seems to get lost.
> >
> > This is all for the purposes of a "live search" in which we
> > return matches
> > as the user types, thus the wildcard.  A and C
> > represent two different terms
> > a user has typed in the search box (where we are providing
> > the live-search
> > results).
> Looks like you are looking for auto-suggest/complete feature. As the user
> types something there will be ajax suggestions right?
> Queries  A* or C* are not sorted by score/relevance. Can you explain in
> more detail what do you mean by "search on "A*" or "C*" I get matches
> but not in the context of the above query"

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