Hi Scott!

> I am aware these cores on same server are interfering with each other.

Thats not good. Try to use only one core per CPU. With more per CPU you
won't have any benefits over the single-core version, I think.

> can solr use more memory to avoid disk operation conflicts?

Yes, only the memory you have on the machine of course. Are you using
tomcat or jetty?

> For my case, I don't think solr can work as fast as 100-200ms on average.

We have indices with a lot entries not as large as yours, but in the
range of X Million. and have response times under 100ms.
What about testing only one core with 5-10 Mio docs? If the response
time isn't any better maybe you need a different field config or sth.
different is wrong?

> So should I add it or the default(without it ) is ok?

Without is also okay -> solr uses default.
With 75 Mio docs it should around 20 000 but I guess there is sth.
different wrong: maybe caching or field definition. Could you post the
latter one?


> Hi. Peter.
> I think I am not using faceting, highlighting ... I read about them
> but don't know how to work with them. I am using the default "example"
> just change the indexed fields.
> For my case, I don't think solr can work as fast as 100-200ms on
> average. I tried some keywords on only single solr instance. It
> sometimes takes more than 20s. I just input 4 keywords. I agree it is
> keyword concerns. But the issue is it doesn't work consistently.
> When 37 instances on same server works at same time (when a
> distributed search start), it goes worse, I saw some solr cores
> execute very fast, 0ms, ~40ms, ~200ms. But more solr cores executed as
> ~2500ms, ~3500ms, ~6700ms. and about 5-10 solr cores need more than
> 17s. I have 70 cores running. And the search speed depends on the
> SLOWEST one. Even 69 cores can run at 1ms. but last one need 50s. then
> the distributed search speed is 50s.
> I am aware these cores on same server are interfering with each other.
> As I have lots of free memory. I want to know, with the prerequisite,
> can solr use more memory to avoid disk operation conflicts?
> Thanks.
> Regards.
> Scott
> 在2010-07-15 17:19:57,"Peter Karich" <peat...@yahoo.de> 写道:
>> How does your queries look like? Do you use faceting, highlighting, ... ?
>> Did you try to customize the cache?
>> Setting the HashDocSet to "0.005 of all documents" improves our
>> search speed a lot.
>> Did you optimize the index?
>> 500ms seems to be slow for an 'average' search. I am not an expert
>> but without highlighting it should be faster as 100ms or at least 200ms
>> Regards,
>> Peter.
>>> Hi.
>>> Thanks for replying.
>>> My document has many different fields(about 30 fields, 10 different
>>> type of documents but these are not the point ) and I have to search
>>> over several fields.
>>> I was putting all 76M documents into several lucene indexes and use
>>> the default lucene.net ParaSearch to search over these indexes. That
>>> was slow, more than 20s.
>>> Then someone suggested I need to merge all our indexes into a huge
>>> one, he thought lucene can handle 76M documents in one index easily.
>>> Then I merged all the documents into a single huge one(which took me
>>> 3 days) . That time, the index folder is about 15G(I don't store
>>> info into index, just index them). Actually the search is still very
>>> slow, more than 20s too, and looks slower than use several indexes.
>>> Then I come to solr. Why I put 1M into each core is I found when a
>>> core has 1M document, the search speed is fast, range from 0-500ms,
>>> which is acceptable. I don't know how many documents to saved in one
>>> core is proper.
>>> The problem is even if I put 2M documents into each core. Then I
>>> have only 36 cores at the moment. But when our documents doubles in
>>> the future, same issue will rise again. So I don't think save 1M in
>>> each core is the issue.
>>> The issue is I put too many cores into one server. I don't have
>>> extra server to spread solr cores. So we have to improve solr search
>>> speed from some other way.
>>> Any suggestion?
>>> Regards.
>>> Scott
>>> 在2010-07-15 15:24:08,"Fornoville, Tom" <tom.fornovi...@truvo.com>
>>> 写道:
>>>> Is there any reason why you have to limit each instance to only 1M
>>>> documents?
>>>> If you could put more documents in the same core I think it would
>>>> dramatically improve your response times.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: marship [mailto:mars...@126.com]
>>>> Sent: donderdag 15 juli 2010 6:23
>>>> To: solr-user
>>>> Subject: How to speed up solr search speed
>>>> Hi. All.
>>>> I got a problem with distributed solr search. The issue is
>>>> I have 76M documents spread over 76 solr instances, each instance
>>>> handles 1M documents.
>>>> Previously I put all 76 instances on single server and when I tested
>>>> I found each time it runs, it will take several times, mostly 10-20s to
>>>> finish a search.
>>>> Now, I split these instances into 2 servers. each one with 38
>>>> instances. the search speed is about 5-10s each time.
>>>> 10s is a bit unacceptable for me. And based on my observation, the slow
>>>> is caused by disk operation as all theses instances are on same server.
>>>> Because when I test each single instance, it is purely fast, always
>>>> ~400ms. When I use distributed search, I found some instance say it
>>>> need
>>>> 7000+ms.
>>>> Our server has plenty of memory free of use. I am thinking is there a
>>>> way we can make solr use more memory instead of harddisk index, like,
>>>> load all indexes into memory so it can speed up?
>>>> welcome any help.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Scott

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