OK, so I copied my index and ran solr3.1 against it.
Qtime dropped, from about 40s to 17s! This is good news, but still longer
than i hoped for.
I tried to do the same text with 4.0, but i'm getting
IndexFormatTooOldException since my index was created using 1.4.1. Is my
only chance to test this is to reindex using 3.1 or 4.0?

Another strange behavior is that the Qtime seems pretty stable, no matter
how many object match my query. 200K and 20K both take about 17s.
I would have guessed that since the time is going over all the terms of all
the subset documents, would mean that the more documents, the more time.

Thanks for any insights


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:07 AM, Ofer Fort <o...@tra.cx> wrote:

> my documents are user entries, so i'm guessing they vary a lot.
> Tomorrow i'll try 3.1 and also 4.0, and see if they have an improvement.
> thanks guys!
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 3:02 AM, Yonik Seeley 
> <yo...@lucidimagination.com>wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Ofer Fort <o...@tra.cx> wrote:
>> > Thanks
>> > but i've disabled the cache already, since my concern is speed and i'm
>> > willing to pay the price (memory)
>> Then you should not disable the cache.
>> >, and my subset are not fixed.
>> > Does the facet search do any extra work that i don't need, that i might
>> be
>> > able to disable (either by a flag or by a code change),
>> > Somehow i feel, or rather hope, that counting the terms of 200K
>> documents
>> > and finding the top 500 should take less than 30 seconds.
>> Using facet.enum.cache.minDf should be a little faster than just
>> disabling the cache - it's a different code path.
>> Using the cache selectively will speed things up, so try setting that
>> minDf to 1000 or so for example.
>> How many unique terms do you have in the index?
>> Is this Solr 3.1 - there were some optimizations when there were many
>> terms to iterate over?
>> You could also try trunk, which has even more optimizations, or the
>> bulkpostings branch if you really want to experiment.
>> -Yonik

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