Per Steffensen skrev:
Em skrev:
This is a really cool feature!
Thanks for pointing us in that direction!
A feature where you can flag your "index" operation to provide "create sematics" would be cool. When setting the "create-semantics" flag, an "index" operation will fail if a document with simular id (or whatever you use for uniqueKey) already exist. When the flag is not set "index" semantics will be just as it is today. ElasticSearch has this, except that they call it "OpType" which has the possible values "create" and "index" ("index" is default). Most other alternatives to Solr(Cloud) provide this as well. We need it in my current project. We might make it "outside" Solr/Lucene but I hope to be able to convince my ProductOwner to make it as a Solr-feature contributing it back - especiallly if the Solr community agrees that it would be a nice and commonly usable feature. Believe it is a commonly usable feature - especially "when using Solr as a NoSQL data store and not just a search index" (as says)
But of course if you guys who know Solr/Lucene source will make if for us, it will be greatly apprechiated :-)

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