Actually maybe one the most important core thing is that Analysis part at
last diagram but there is nothing about it i.e. stamming, lemmitazing etc.
at any of them.

2013/4/2 Andre Bois-Crettez <>

> On 04/02/2013 04:20 PM, Koji Sekiguchi wrote:
>> (13/04/02 21:45), Furkan KAMACI wrote:
>>> Is there any documentation something like flow chart of Solr. i.e.
>>> Documents comes into Solr(maybe indicating which classes get documents)
>>> and
>>> goes to parsing process (i.e. stemming processes etc.) and then reverse
>>> indexes are get so on so forth?
>>>  There is an interesting ticket:
>> Architecture Diagrams needed for Lucene, Solr and Nutch
>> koji
> I like this one, it is a bit more detailed :
> --
> André Bois-Crettez
> Search technology, Kelkoo
> Kelkoo SAS
> Société par Actions Simplifiée
> Au capital de € 4.168.964,30
> Siège social : 8, rue du Sentier 75002 Paris
> 425 093 069 RCS Paris
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> l'attention exclusive de leurs destinataires. Si vous n'êtes pas le
> destinataire de ce message, merci de le détruire et d'en avertir
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