Hi Tom,

Sorry - I was meeting with the East-Asia librarians …

Perhaps you are missing the following from your solrconfig

<lib dir="/home/blacklight/solr-home/lib" />

(this is the top of my solrconfig.xml:

  <!-- NOTE: various comments and unused configuration possibilities have been 
     from this file.  Please refer to http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrConfigXml,
     as well as the default solrconfig file included with Solr -->



  <lib dir="/home/blacklight/solr-home/lib" />


  <directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" 
  <codecFactory class="solr.SchemaCodecFactory"/>
  <schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"/>


and here is my solr.xml, if it matters:

note the "sharedLib" value

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<solr persistent="true" sharedLib="lib">
  <cores defaultCoreName="current" adminPath="/admin/cores">
    <core name="current" collection="current" dataDir="/data/solr/" 
loadOnStartup="true" instanceDir="./" transient="false"/>

On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Tom Burton-West wrote:

> Hello all,
> According to the README.txt in solr-4.4.0/solr/example/solr/collection1, all 
> we have to do is create a collection1/lib directory and put whatever jars we 
> want in there. 
> ".. /lib.   
>        If it exists, Solr will load any Jars
>        found in this directory and use them to resolve any "plugins"
>         specified in your solrconfig.xml or schema.xml "
>   I did so  (see below).  However, I keep getting a class not found error 
> (see below).
> Has the default changed from what is documented in the README.txt file?
> Is there something I have to change in solrconfig.xml or solr.xml to make 
> this work?
> I looked at SOLR-4852, but don't understand.   It sounds like maybe there is 
> a problem if the collection1/lib directory is also specified in 
> solrconfig.xml.  But I didn't do that. (i.e. out of the box solrconfig.xml)
>  Does this mean that by following what it says in the README.txt, I am making 
> some kind of a configuration error.  I also don't understand the workaround 
> in SOLR-4852.
> Is this an ICU issue?  A java 7 issue?  a Solr 4.4 issue,  or did I simply 
> not understand the README.txt?
> Tom
> --------------------------------------------------
> org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; null:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/apache/lucene/analysis/icu/segmentation/ICUTokenizer
>  ls collection1/lib
> icu4j-49.1.jar  
> lucene-analyzers-icu-4.4-SNAPSHOT.jar  
> solr-analysis-extras-4.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-4852
> Collection1/README.txt excerpt:
>  lib/
>         This directory is optional.  If it exists, Solr will load any Jars
>         found in this directory and use them to resolve any "plugins"
>         specified in your solrconfig.xml or schema.xml (ie: Analyzers,
>         Request Handlers, etc...).  Alternatively you can use the <lib>
>         syntax in conf/solrconfig.xml to direct Solr to your plugins.  See 
>         the example conf/solrconfig.xml file for details.

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