On 8/27/2013 5:11 PM, Naomi Dushay wrote:
Perhaps you are missing the following from your solrconfig

<lib dir="/home/blacklight/solr-home/lib" />

I ran into this issue (I'm the one that filed SOLR-4852) and I am not using blacklight. I am only using what can be found in a Solr download, plus the MySQL JDBC driver for dataimport.

I prefer not to load jars via solrconfig.xml. I have a lot of cores and every core needs to use the same jars. Rather than have the same jars loaded 18 times (once by each of the 18 solrconfig.xml files), I would rather have Solr load them once and make the libraries available to all cores. Using ${solr.solr.home}/lib accomplishes this goal.


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