On 01.08.2012 11:22, Jonathan Hoser wrote:

from the user-side this is a cool feature,
and seeing it implemented and working would be a great enhancement of


If there was an additional way of putting that 'pre-Image' onto a USB
to boot from it (with Manager/Spacewalk Details for registration) that
would be even better!

in theory that's possible but I'm not sure if I understand the sense in that. If you can not PXE boot the server, the complete "Create Cobbler System Record" button is useless and you can not do much with the machine in Spacewalk then - except for seeing the hardware.

(We have to preregister MACs to get them to PXEboot,
so a prestart without PXE (showing the MACs) would a big boon, thought
only for me!?!)

I'm not sure if I understand that scenario.
You have to boot locally and then you can PXE boot later?
Sounds weird but if that's the case, then yes, it would make sense to put the image on a USB stick.

ciao, Uwe Gansert

SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer
Home: http://www.suse.de/~ug - Blog: http://suse.gansert.net
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