On 08/28/2012 12:06 PM, Jan Pazdziora wrote:
On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 11:29:27AM +0200, Uwe Gansert wrote:
On 02.08.2012 11:15, Jan Pazdziora wrote:

* inventing a new architecture "bootstrap-linux" that automatically
gets the new entitlement during registration.

Could you please explain some more why new architecture is needed?
Won't we actually need to know what architecture (the physical one)
the machine is?

I wanted to clean up the patch today and noticed, that we still need
the architecture.
The architecture is directly connected to the new
bootstrap-entitlement in the database via
rhnServerServerGroupArchCompat table:

insert into rhnServerServerGroupArchCompat ( server_arch_id,
     values (lookup_server_arch('bootstrap-linux'),

insert into rhnServerServerGroupArchCompat ( server_arch_id,
     values (lookup_server_arch('bootstrap-linux'),

if a machine registers with that arch, it'll get the
bootstrap-entitlement automatically.
Please correct me if I'm wrong or misunderstood something but I'm
afraid, we still need the arch.

Well, the question still is, why does it have to exist at all (and be
connected)? We should be able to figure out the real architecture on
the running (bootstrapped) machine just fine.

And if we use the activation key method for adding the entitlement
instead of the bootstrap-linux, it shouldn't be needed.

I noticed that this thread died, without any patch applied to spacewalk master. Are we still looking to re-submit?


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