On 03/29/2018 06:48 AM, Paschedag, Robert wrote:
> You can check the path with
> select * from rhnpackage where id = 11570;
> But the message indicates some sort of error while you were synchronizing 
> your repos. I would try to locate this problem "package" within SW in the 
> "Channels" -> "Manage Software Channels" -> "Manage software packages" and 
> try to *fully* delete this package and try to re-sync.
> Robert

No luck.  I deleted the package and reran spacewalk-repo-sync which
claims to have downloaded the package but yum updates still fail.  The
interesting part is spacewalk-repo-sync keeps trying to download the
same 33 packages every time I download it.  For example, here's the output.

[root@spacewalk rhn]# spacewalk-repo-sync -v -c centos7-x86_64-updates          
12:34:49 ======================================
12:34:49 | Channel: centos7-x86_64-updates
12:34:49 ======================================
12:34:49 Sync of channel started.
12:34:50 Repo URL: 
12:34:55 Packages in repo:              2416
12:35:05 Packages already synced:       2383
12:35:05 Packages to sync:                33
12:35:05 New packages to download:        33
12:35:05 Downloading total 33 files from 1 queues.
12:35:06 1/33 : NetworkManager-1.8.0-11.el7_4.x86_64.rpm
12:35:06 2/33 : git-email-
12:35:06 3/33 : debugmode-9.49.39-1.el7_4.1.x86_64.rpm
12:35:06 4/33 : bind-lite-devel-9.9.4-51.el7_4.2.i686.rpm
12:35:07 5/33 : NetworkManager-glib-devel-1.8.0-11.el7_4.i686.rpm
12:35:07 6/33 : kmod-devel-20-15.el7_4.7.x86_64.rpm
12:35:07 7/33 : java-1.8.0-openjdk-demo-
12:35:07 8/33 : kmod-libs-20-15.el7_4.4.i686.rpm
12:35:07 9/33 : libdb-cxx-devel-5.3.21-21.el7_4.x86_64.rpm
12:35:07 10/33 : libgudev1-219-42.el7_4.7.x86_64.rpm
12:35:08 11/33 : kernel-abi-whitelists-3.10.0-693.1.1.el7.noarch.rpm
12:35:08 12/33 : libgudev1-devel-219-42.el7_4.7.x86_64.rpm
12:35:08 13/33 : libguestfs-xfs-1.36.3-6.el7_4.3.x86_64.rpm
12:35:08 14/33 : java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-debug-
12:35:08 15/33 : libquadmath-4.8.5-16.el7_4.1.i686.rpm
12:35:08 16/33 : libtsan-static-4.8.5-16.el7_4.1.x86_64.rpm
12:35:08 17/33 : nss-pkcs11-devel-3.28.4-12.el7_4.x86_64.rpm
12:35:08 18/33 : pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.16-12.el7_4.7.i686.rpm
12:35:09 19/33 : pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.16-12.el7_4.2.i686.rpm
12:35:09 20/33 : libdb-devel-static-5.3.21-21.el7_4.i686.rpm
12:35:09 21/33 : motif-2.3.4-12.el7_4.i686.rpm
12:35:10 22/33 : pki-kra-10.4.1-17.el7_4.noarch.rpm
12:35:10 23/33 : pacemaker-libs-devel-1.1.16-12.el7_4.2.x86_64.rpm
12:35:10 24/33 : 
12:35:10 25/33 : pacemaker-libs-devel-1.1.16-12.el7_4.4.i686.rpm
12:35:10 26/33 : pki-symkey-10.4.1-17.el7_4.x86_64.rpm
12:35:10 27/33 : python-rhsm-1.19.10-1.el7_4.x86_64.rpm
12:35:10 28/33 : pacemaker-libs-devel-1.1.16-12.el7_4.7.i686.rpm
12:35:10 29/33 : rubygem-rdoc-4.0.0-33.el7_4.noarch.rpm
12:35:10 30/33 : tuned-utils-2.8.0-5.el7_4.2.noarch.rpm
12:35:10 31/33 : sssd-1.15.2-50.el7_4.6.x86_64.rpm
12:35:11 32/33 : tzdata-2017c-1.el7.noarch.rpm
12:35:11 33/33 : xorg-x11-server-Xnest-1.19.3-11.el7_4.1.x86_64.rpm
Importing packages:     |##################################################| 
12:35:32 Linking packages to channel.
12:35:32 Repo http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=7&arch=x86_64&repo=updates 
has 0 errata.
12:35:33 Sync of channel completed in 0:00:43.
12:35:33 Total time: 0:00:43

Running spacewalk-repo-sync again results in the same 33 packages being 

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