David Luyer wrote:

Of course it can.  sendmail can do anything.  Never believe anyone
who tells you there's something sendmail can't do.

Well, well, well.

It does it by default if it's the final delivery host,

Good. So now I know that.

I don't know Sendmail at all, but as I said, both SA-Exim 4.20/3.0 and
Postfix 2.0 could be configured to whitelist your ldap users without
altering any SA code. SA-Exim would do that with inclusion in the
exception rule, Postfix with a custom transport.

It's always possible, the question is whether it's worth the complexity
when you could just do it in SA.

After all, SA has a whitelist feature,
I don't see a good reason it shouldn't support LDAP in it just because
you could do it at another layer

I'll do a trade with you ("swap you this for that"). You tell me how you'd whitelist a given ldap alias list with Sendmail, and I'll tell you how I'd do it with SA-Exim 4.20/3.0 and with Postfix 2.0.12 (dunno yet, cos I never tried, but it has to be possible.) The people who'll benefit are the developers, who would then know that they wouldn't have to change any code to do it. Mind you, there's still Qmail and Smail left - those people would have to do the same.

After all:

> sendmail can do anything.  Never believe anyone
> who tells you there's something sendmail can't do.



Tony Earnshaw

- Deyr fé, deyr frendr
deyr sjálfr 'it sama
- ek veit ein aldrigi deyr
- dómr um dauđan hvern.

From Hávamál - what gods have said


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