At 03:25 PM Monday, 6/16/2003, Simon Byrnand wrote -=>
What happens without -H is that when spamd does a setuid() to another user (other than root) the environment variable $HOME which is passed to helper apps like razor is still pointing to root's home directory. Of course razor can't save its files in /root when its running as another user so it has to do its server discovery process for every single message. (which takes 3 to 4 seconds)

With -H razor can cache the results of its server discovery and only do it occasionally...

Makes sense....

Do most folks run as a different user or as root? I tried running it as spamd but then realized I'd have to change permissions on all the home directories and haven't take that leap as of yet.

If I remember correctly, Theo put a fix for this into 2.60-cvs...

I'll look for it on cpan when it becomes available...

Thanks again.

Ed Kasky Los Angeles, CA . . . . . . . . An excuse only satisfies the person giving it...

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