On 31-May-07, at 5:34 PM, Recordon, David wrote:
> I'd recommend adding a section which pulls together the HEAD and GET
> methods and describes how'd they be used in conjunction.

In the interest of keeping it light and simple to process, I believe  
it would be enough to make this explicit just before 8.1 by saying  
that any of the two protocols MAY be attempted by an RP (plus fixing  
the fallback from HEAD to GET).

> Also explicitly pointing out that a URL hosting a XRDS document  
> only is
> required to implement one or more of the discovery mechanisms

Not "one or more"; GET is REQUIRED, HEAD is OPTIONAL in Yadis. This  
too can be specified inline in sections 8.1 / 8.2.

> whereas a service requesting XRDS documents must implement all of  
> the different
> methods.

An RP may choose to only do GET and not care about the more efficient  
(but optional on the server side) HEAD.


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