sounds a bit like a criminal investigation, heath. of a bad or lazy detective, 
in this case. you could have found out the answers yourself.

> who are the funders of this project (any non-aligned countries) ?

since 2004 our INC is part of the Amsterdam University of Applied Science, a 
polytech, called HvA. the production itself does not cost money as it is not 
printed. the labour costs  have already been paid. however, the faculty did 
support the tactical media room to pay for a coordinator and an intern from the 
region for three months.

> are ukrainian citizens (not 'shocked' but liberated) from the donbas region 
> including in this project ?

we do not ask where they come from. we do not work for the police. both editors 
and contributors are from the region as you can see in the biographies. the 
meetings of the coalition are visited by both ukrainians and russians.

> is this publication available to russian speaking ukrainian citizens or
> is the russian language banned in his publication as-well as in ukraine ?

no, not yet.

yours, geert

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