I think Reliable makes or made a VELO Pen with a 14.5 K factor. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 22, 2013, at 6:37 PM, Greg McGahan <g...@livingwaterfp.com> wrote:

> We need to replace 3 painted heads in an existing storage room that currently 
> has 14.5 k heads. Going to the closest Equivalent head changes the K factor 
> to 14.0 and it makes enough of a difference that the calks no longer work……
> Even if we replace all of the heads in that area with 14.0's it will not 
> work.  Does anyone happen to have these laying around?
> Question - if we can't find them, what should we do? The calcs do not work 
> due to a combination of a slightly degraded water supply and being 
> incorrectly calculated by the original installing contractor  - we have the 
> original drawings and they used a .15 density throughout the building instead 
> of the required .20. (yes- even when originally installed). The difference is 
> only a few pounds, but it goes from slightly positive to negative. The AHJ 
> has closed his ears and eyes and said "get the painted heads replaced". 
> Thanks for your help.
> Greg
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