Hi List,
So, I thought I'd solved my little problem, but upon testing it in my application it subjectively didn't seem any faster.

I upgraded the SQLite in my IDE to 3.22, and it is confirming my suspicions. It turns out that when I run the below in 3.22, it takes about 0.150s. But in 3.15 it was taking 0.004s!

The original query also takes 0.15s in 3.22 - so that has been mildly optimised (from ~0.2s). My general thinking-aloud notion is that my "fix" is getting optimised away in 3.22.

I can provide a small replication database if desired.


On 2018-03-19 00:24, Jonathan Moules wrote:
Thanks Simon and Quan.
I'm not sure it's the view itself per-se - It takes 0.000s (time too small to measure) for just the full View to be run on this dataset.

It turns out the problem is simpler than that and no data changes are needed. I did consider Quan Yong Zhai's option and gave it a try, but couldn't fathom out the necessary SQL to get what I wanted (it's getting late).

Instead prompted by the replies here, I've changed the query very slightly to the below which solves the problem:

        u.url, l.error_code
        urls u
        lookups l
        (select * from v_most_recent_lookup_per_url where url_id in (
            select url_id from urls where url = 'example.com'
            )) recent
    -- By definition url's can) recent
        -- This is the important bit
-- Here we use the most recent lookup url_id to link to the source_seed_id, so we only find its children
        -- Or alternatively itself
        ON u.source_seed_id = recent.url_id
            OR u.url_id = recent.url_id
-- For JSON-spider at least, Generic's are guaranteed to be generic pages.
        l.is_generic_flag = 1
-- Must be "or equal to" so we can get the lookup of the very base url.
        l.retrieval_datetime >= recent.retrieval_datetime
        DATETIME(recent.retrieval_datetime) > DATETIME('now', '-5 days')
        u.url_id DESC
    LIMIT 1;

To save readers having to compare manually, the difference is this: I turned the "recent" alias item from the View into a subquery (still using the view), and then moved the "where url = example.com" part in to there. The query is now literally two orders of magnitude faster, from 0.2s to 0.004s. No new indexes or anything, just that change.

Hopefully this will scale to full datasets; if it doesn't I may have to consider the other suggestions, but for now this is a minimum-effort solution.

I'm not actually sure what SQLite was doing in the previous query to make it take so long. , so I imagine there was some hideous recursing going on or something.

Scope for optimisation?

Thanks again,

On 2018-03-18 23:37, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 18 Mar 2018, at 11:13pm, Jonathan Moules <jonathan-li...@lightpear.com> wrote:

Given there's such a small amount of data at this point, I suspect the issue is more related to the recursion. I've tried creating these two indexes to facilicate that
Nice idea but I can see why it's not working.

You have an underlying problem: the format you're using to store your data makes it extremely difficult to extract the figures you want. Quan Yong Zhai has the best idea I've seen: get rid of almost ¾ of the work you're doing by storing the last retrieval date in your "urls" table.

As an alternative, store the start your retrieval process by JOINing the two tables together. Consider the result of this query

SELECT url_id, lookups.error_code
     FROM urls
JOIN lookups ON lookups.url_id = urls.url_id AND lookup.retrieval_datetime = urls.retrieval_datetime WHERE DATETIME(urls.retrieval_datetime) > DATETIME('now', '-5 days')

and figure out what you would add to that to get your desired result.

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