On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 01:45:04PM -0600, Jay Sprenkle wrote:

> > > I think it's a bit misleading to call the library "SQL-Lite: if
> > > you're going to redesign and not be like SQL. What do you think
> > > about creating a separate project for a fast light database
> > > engine that's not "SQL Like"?
> >
> > SQLite is very much SQL.  It only deviates from the standard
> > to fix bugs in the original design of the standard.
> If you're going to become less compliant perhaps it would be less
> misleading to remove the "SQL" from the project name. I'm not saying
> either is a bad idea, just that the name shouldn't be misleading.

Your name "Jay" appears to derive from the Sanskrit "jaya", meaning
"victory".  I find this a bit misleading, as clearly anyone regularly
wasting time with suggestions like yours is unlikely to achieve
victory in anything.  I therefore suggest that you change your name
from "Jay" to something less misleading.

Just a thought.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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