I'd like to second Dennis' earlier remarks, and add some of my own.


One of my greatest hopes when I found SQLite (it's "value proposition")
was in having a great little database that would operate in such a
familiar way.  By "familiar", I mean that it should execute the SQL
language, and produce (for the same DDL, and the same DML) the same
result as other SQL implementations.  In short, I expected it to comply
with standards.


Using standards is a two-way street:

*         I should be able to bring existing structures, and existing
code from SQL Server, or Informix, or PostgreSQL, and have it not only
run, but produce the same result.

*         I also want to use SQLite to create and test code that I may
later take to one of these other platforms, and I'd like it to run the
same there as it has been running in SQLite.

The better it allows me to do both of the above, the more valuable it is
to me.

My friends and I joke that one of the greatest things about standards is
that everyone gets to choose their own. I'd call SQLite's manifest
typing one of "it's own".  It is one of SQLite's greatest strengths, as
well as it's greatest weakness.  Being able to informally type a field
is awesome, when I choose to use it.  But it is a weakness when it
influences a result unexpectedly (when it doesn't allow me to choose MY
own standard).


Most of my difficulty, and my greatest disappointments in using SQLite
to-date has been where I got unexpected results when it did not strictly
heed my formal DML instructions.  My specific challenges have been with
char(n)'s, but I think the learning applies equally to the discussion of


Paradoxically, its greatest opportunity to grow and become more valuable
to me is in allowing me the flexibility to call upon it to behave more
strictly standard.


By "strictly standard", I mean:

*         If I specify "INT", in my DML, I'd like it to behave exactly
as an INT in other implementations.  If it would like to abbreviate the
value for compactness of storage, that's great.  But I don't want it to
store, nor return anything that behaves differently from an int.

*         Likewise FLOAT/REAL.  I really don't care if SQLite stores it
as a machine float, as an IEEE float, or as text.  But if the field is a
float, I don't want it to store, nor ever return anything that behaves
differently from a float.

*         Likewise CHAR(n).  It should not store, nor ever return any
more than n characters.


In situations where informal typing applies well, I'd like to be able to
select this behavior explicitly.  For example, by defining a column as


If the "power" of manifest typing is its ability to recognize a value
and properly convert it, and store it in a form as compact as it likes
-- can that power be leveraged to retrieve a value, no matter how
stored, and properly convert it back to behave exactly as the type it is
expected to be, rather than as the type it was coerced to for storage?


To sum it up:

I place more value in how the fields behave than in how they're stored.

I'd like more control, not less, in how they behave.





-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 10:55 AM
To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2




With the above clarification, I will restate the question:

Suppose SQLite were to merge "integer" and "real" into a single

datatype "numeric" that always worked the same way.  Does

anybody know of a (real) usage example where this would cause

an actual hardship on developers?  Are there any examples of

things that you can do with separate "real" and "integer"

types that you cannot do with a unified "numeric" type?



D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


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