Is there a sqlite introduction for programmers wanting to use the sqlite C
API? The info on the web site is pretty sparse. There seems to be plenty of
info regarding the use of sqlite3 all over the web.  But not much on getting
set up to write programs that use sqlite. 

I have some specific questions below. I am a C programmer and I want use
sqlite in my programs.

First question is about installation. I went to the sqlite download page and
got a ".so" file. This is obviously a shared library but I can't find any
installation document that confirms this. What do I do with the ".so" file?
I guess I need to put it somewhere, but where? I'm using Fedora Core4 at the
moment but what if I also want to use sqlite on RedHat 4? I'd eventually
like to use sqlite on HPUX 11.0 but I'll be happy for the moment to get
myself oriented on Linux.

Are there any link instructions? How do I link a C program on Fedora Core4
Linux for example?
"gcc  myprog.c  -o myprog"?  Do I need to set a library path
environment variable to point to where the ".so" file is located? Or what?

Is a C program that uses sqlite statically linked? That is, is the final
executable a self contained program that can be moved from one computer to
similar computer? Or does it require supporting sqlite files/libraries to be
installed on each computer where the program is run? Can I just copy a
program that uses the C API to a similar computer and run it? I assume I
would at least have to copy some sqlite data file as well. No?

Once I've created a C program that uses sqlite can I administer its database
with sqlite3 or do I have to write utility programs to create a database,
tables, view table contents, etc?

I'd really like to understand how sqlite works. Not internally, but things
like where is the data stored? What does it mean to "install" sqlite? If I
run a C program in separate directories where does the data get stored? In a
common file somewhere? Or does each program have its own sqlite data file?  

On the sqlite web site there's a brief 5 minute getting started explanation.
It explains how to get going using sqlite3.  But where do I go after that
for more detailed understanding? 

How do you backup sqlite data? Just copy a data file? Or do you use sqlite3
to dump a file of sql statements?

The architecture is unclear to me. I'm hungry to learn more. Is there a
summary document somewhere? I'm finding plenty of tutorials on how to use
sqlite3, the command line interface. But is there anything that explains the
basic architecture? Installation? administration?

The sqlite C API documentation seems pretty clear. I can even find helpful
documents on the web. I just can't find anything describing how to install
and administer sqlite or basically how it works.


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