A moments reflection convinces me that this is not a good idea
as stated.  But perhaps it can be the seed for a idea that will
actually work.  Is there some way of adding customizations to
the database file itself, or perhaps to a separate file in a
standard place the SQLite always knows to look, so that
custom enhancements and extensions to SQLite can be accomodated
in standard tools?  Worth thinking about, perhaps....

I tried to think about this in as many details as possible and I'd say
that the original problem that I'd like to solve here (i.e. collation
of Unicode character sets) doesn't require any special complex
handling in SQLite. We really should just define how will individual
collations be named, so that Unicode SQLite databases become portable.

The only argument against this was that individual implementations of
Unicode standard (i.e. mainly internal Windows methods or ICU library)
could differ. However, is it really a problem? I'd say that it isn't.
Unicode specifies exactly how characters should be sorted and so _if_
there really are any differences between Windows and ICU
implementations, they should be considered as a bug and be solved
there. I.e. it isn't anything SQLite should be responsible for.


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