SQLite Analyser results, I only included the eight largest tables the
others are all tiny:

/** Disk-Space Utilization Report For test.db
*** As of 2008-Aug-19 16:10:41

Page size in bytes.................... 1024      
Pages in the whole file (measured).... 9176      
Pages in the whole file (calculated).. 9176      
Pages that store data................. 9176       100.0% 
Pages on the freelist (per header).... 0            0.0% 
Pages on the freelist (calculated).... 0            0.0% 
Pages of auto-vacuum overhead......... 0            0.0% 
Number of tables in the database...... 35        
Number of indices..................... 18        
Number of named indices............... 18        
Automatically generated indices....... 0         
Size of the file in bytes............. 9396224   
Bytes of user payload stored.......... 7243721     77.1% 

*** Page counts for all tables with their indices ********************

TABLE_1............................... 5045        55.0% 
TABLE_2............................... 1615        17.6% 
TABLE_3............................... 853          9.3% 
TABLE_4............................... 733          8.0% 
TABLE_5............................... 285          3.1% 
TABLE_6............................... 215          2.3% 
TABLE_7............................... 187          2.0% 
TABLE_8............................... 84           0.92% 
TABLE_9............................... 38           0.41% 
SQLITE_MASTER......................... 29           0.32% 
TABLE_10.............................. 21           0.23% 
TABLE_11.............................. 17           0.19% 
TABLE_12.............................. 14           0.15% 
TABLE_13.............................. 7            0.076% 
TABLE_14.............................. 4            0.044% 
TABLE_15.............................. 4            0.044% 
TABLE_16.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_17.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_18.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_19.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_20.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_21.............................. 2            0.022% 
TABLE_22.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_23.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_24.............................. 1            0.011% 
SQLITE_STAT1.......................... 1            0.011% 
TABLE_25.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_26.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_27.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_28.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_29.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_30.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_31.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_32.............................. 1            0.011% 
TABLE_33............................... 1            0.011% 

*** All tables and indices *******************************************

Percentage of total database.......... 100.0%    
Number of entries..................... 112673    
Bytes of storage consumed............. 9396224   
Bytes of payload...................... 7701449     82.0% 
Average payload per entry............. 68.35     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 9.50      
Average fanout........................ 92.00     
Fragmentation.........................   5.3%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 2587      
Entries that use overflow............. 10           0.009% 
Index pages used...................... 91        
Primary pages used.................... 9070      
Overflow pages used................... 15        
Total pages used...................... 9176      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 25313       27.2% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 1045045     11.3% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 518          3.4% 
Unused bytes on all pages............. 1070876     11.4% 

*** All tables *******************************************************

Percentage of total database..........  92.6%    
Number of entries..................... 63999     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 8704000   
Bytes of payload...................... 7267915     83.5% 
Average payload per entry............. 113.56    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 15.10     
Average fanout........................ 92.00     
Fragmentation.........................   3.0%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 2587      
Entries that use overflow............. 10           0.016% 
Index pages used...................... 91        
Primary pages used.................... 8394      
Overflow pages used................... 15        
Total pages used...................... 8500      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 25313       27.2% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 940417      10.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 518          3.4% 
Unused bytes on all pages............. 966248      11.1% 

*** All indices ******************************************************

Percentage of total database..........   7.4%    
Number of entries..................... 48674     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 692224    
Bytes of payload...................... 433534      62.6% 
Average payload per entry............. 8.91      
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.15      
Fragmentation.........................  33.9%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 12        
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 676       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 676       
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 104628      15.1% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 104628      15.1% 

*** Table TABLE_1 and all its indices ********************************

Percentage of total database..........  55.0%    
Number of entries..................... 28932     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 5166080   
Bytes of payload...................... 4167680     80.7% 
Average payload per entry............. 144.05    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 27.26     
Average fanout........................ 110.00    
Fragmentation.........................   2.7%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 333       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 44        
Primary pages used.................... 5001      
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 5045      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 6002        13.3% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 782557      15.3% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 788559      15.3% 

*** Table TABLE_1 w/o any indices ************************************

Percentage of total database..........  53.0%    
Number of entries..................... 14466     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 4982784   
Bytes of payload...................... 4053558     81.4% 
Average payload per entry............. 280.21    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 52.88     
Average fanout........................ 110.00    
Fragmentation.........................   2.6%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 333       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 44        
Primary pages used.................... 4822      
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 4866      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 6002        13.3% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 758925      15.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 764927      15.4% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_1 *****************************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.0%    
Number of entries..................... 14466     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 183296    
Bytes of payload...................... 114122      62.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 7.89      
Average unused bytes per entry........ 1.63      
Fragmentation.........................   5.6%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 8         
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 179       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 179       
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 23632       12.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 23632       12.9% 

*** Table TABLE_2 and all its indices ************************

Percentage of total database..........  17.6%    
Number of entries..................... 30794     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 1653760   
Bytes of payload...................... 1406810     85.1% 
Average payload per entry............. 45.68     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 3.22      
Average fanout........................ 105.00    
Fragmentation.........................  13.8%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 127       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 13        
Primary pages used.................... 1602      
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 1615      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 2342        17.6% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 96785        5.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 99127        6.0% 

*** Table TABLE_2 w/o any indices ****************************

Percentage of total database..........  14.9%    
Number of entries..................... 15397     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 1399808   
Bytes of payload...................... 1238317     88.5% 
Average payload per entry............. 80.43     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 4.08      
Average fanout........................ 105.00    
Fragmentation.........................   2.6%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 127       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 13        
Primary pages used.................... 1354      
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 1367      
Unused bytes on index pages........... 2342        17.6% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 60489        4.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 62831        4.5% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_2 *********************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.7%    
Number of entries..................... 15397     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 253952    
Bytes of payload...................... 168493      66.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 10.94     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.36      
Fragmentation.........................  75.7%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 12        
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 248       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 248       
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 36296       14.3% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 36296       14.3% 

*** Table TABLE_3 *************************************************

Percentage of total database..........   9.3%    
Number of entries..................... 11863     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 873472    
Bytes of payload...................... 743138      85.1% 
Average payload per entry............. 62.64     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 4.74      
Average fanout........................ 94.00     
Fragmentation.........................   2.8%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 1005      
Entries that use overflow............. 1            0.008% 
Index pages used...................... 9         
Primary pages used.................... 843       
Overflow pages used................... 1         
Total pages used...................... 853       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 2381        25.8% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 53764        6.2% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 118         11.5% 
Unused bytes on all pages............. 56263        6.4% 

*** Table TABLE_4 and all its indices ****************************

Percentage of total database..........   8.0%    
Number of entries..................... 28932     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 750592    
Bytes of payload...................... 586950      78.2% 
Average payload per entry............. 20.29     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 1.28      
Average fanout........................ 92.00     
Fragmentation.........................   4.0%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 76        
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 6         
Primary pages used.................... 727       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 733       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1700        27.7% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 35369        4.8% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 37069        4.9% 

*** Table TABLE_4 w/o any indices ********************************

Percentage of total database..........   6.0%    
Number of entries..................... 14466     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 567296    
Bytes of payload...................... 472828      83.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 32.69     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 0.93      
Average fanout........................ 92.00     
Fragmentation.........................   2.5%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 76        
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 6         
Primary pages used.................... 548       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 554       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1700        27.7% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 11737        2.1% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 13437        2.4% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_4 *************************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.0%    
Number of entries..................... 14466     
Bytes of storage consumed............. 183296    
Bytes of payload...................... 114122      62.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 7.89      
Average unused bytes per entry........ 1.63      
Fragmentation.........................   8.4%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 8         
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 179       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 179       
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 23632       12.9% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 23632       12.9% 

*** Table TABLE_5 *************************************************

Percentage of total database..........   3.1%    
Number of entries..................... 3343      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 291840    
Bytes of payload...................... 257040      88.1% 
Average payload per entry............. 76.89     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 4.09      
Average fanout........................ 71.00     
Fragmentation.........................   2.8%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 116       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 4         
Primary pages used.................... 281       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 285       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1817        44.4% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 11868        4.1% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 13685        4.7% 

*** Table TABLE_6 and all its indices *****************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.3%    
Number of entries..................... 1220      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 220160    
Bytes of payload...................... 204763      93.0% 
Average payload per entry............. 167.84    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 5.49      
Average fanout........................ 68.00     
Fragmentation.........................   3.3%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 333       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 3         
Primary pages used.................... 212       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 215       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1454        47.3% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 5238         2.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 6692         3.0% 

*** Table TABLE_6 w/o any indices *********************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.3%    
Number of entries..................... 610       
Bytes of storage consumed............. 211968    
Bytes of payload...................... 200747      94.7% 
Average payload per entry............. 329.09    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 7.28      
Average fanout........................ 68.00     
Fragmentation.........................   2.4%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 333       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 3         
Primary pages used.................... 204       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 207       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1454        47.3% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 2984         1.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 4438         2.1% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_6 **************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.087%  
Number of entries..................... 610       
Bytes of storage consumed............. 8192      
Bytes of payload...................... 4016        49.0% 
Average payload per entry............. 6.58      
Average unused bytes per entry........ 3.70      
Fragmentation.........................  28.6%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 7         
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 8         
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 8         
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 2254        27.5% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 2254        27.5% 

*** Table TABLE_7 and all its indices *******************************

Percentage of total database..........   2.0%    
Number of entries..................... 3130      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 191488    
Bytes of payload...................... 162833      85.0% 
Average payload per entry............. 52.02     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 4.28      
Average fanout........................ 53.00     
Fragmentation.........................   5.4%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 114       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 3         
Primary pages used.................... 184       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 187       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1785        58.1% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 11622        6.2% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 13407        7.0% 

*** Table TABLE_7 w/o any indices ***********************************

Percentage of total database..........   1.8%    
Number of entries..................... 1565      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 165888    
Bytes of payload...................... 145644      87.8% 
Average payload per entry............. 93.06     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 6.38      
Average fanout........................ 53.00     
Fragmentation.........................   3.1%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 114       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 3         
Primary pages used.................... 159       
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 162       
Unused bytes on index pages........... 1785        58.1% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 8202         5.0% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 9987         6.0% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_7 ****************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.27%   
Number of entries..................... 1565      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 25600     
Bytes of payload...................... 17189       67.1% 
Average payload per entry............. 10.98     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.19      
Fragmentation.........................  20.8%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 12        
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 25        
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 25        
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 3420        13.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 3420        13.4% 

*** Table TABLE_8 and all its indices **********************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.92%   
Number of entries..................... 1156      
Bytes of storage consumed............. 86016     
Bytes of payload...................... 73579       85.5% 
Average payload per entry............. 63.65     
Average unused bytes per entry........ 5.71      
Average fanout........................ 76.00     
Fragmentation.........................   3.6%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 138       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 1         
Primary pages used.................... 83        
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 84        
Unused bytes on index pages........... 428         41.8% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 6173         7.3% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 6601         7.7% 

*** Table TABLE_8 w/o any indices **************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.84%   
Number of entries..................... 578       
Bytes of storage consumed............. 78848     
Bytes of payload...................... 69616       88.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 120.44    
Average unused bytes per entry........ 9.01      
Average fanout........................ 76.00     
Fragmentation.........................   1.3%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 138       
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Index pages used...................... 1         
Primary pages used.................... 76        
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 77        
Unused bytes on index pages........... 428         41.8% 
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 4782         6.1% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 5210         6.6% 

*** Indices of table TABLE_8 *******************************************

Percentage of total database..........   0.076%  
Number of entries..................... 578       
Bytes of storage consumed............. 7168      
Bytes of payload...................... 3963        55.3% 
Average payload per entry............. 6.86      
Average unused bytes per entry........ 2.41      
Fragmentation.........................  33.3%    
Maximum payload per entry............. 8         
Entries that use overflow............. 0            0.0% 
Primary pages used.................... 7         
Overflow pages used................... 0         
Total pages used...................... 7         
Unused bytes on primary pages......... 1391        19.4% 
Unused bytes on overflow pages........ 0         
Unused bytes on all pages............. 1391        19.4%


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of D. Richard Hipp
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 3:43 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] Reducing SQLite Memory footprint(!)

On Aug 19, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Brown, Daniel wrote:

> Good afternoon list,
> Are there any known techniques for reducing SQLite's memory footprint?

Construct your database into a file (say "test.db").  Then run the  
sqlite3_analyzer utility (available for download on the SQLite  
website) over that file and post the results.  The sqlite3_analyzer  
utility will give us additional information that might suggest ways of  
reducing the size of the database file.

See also http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/prosupport.html#compress

D. Richard Hipp

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