Without the group by clause the result set is:
sqlite> select awal1.Code, awal1.Level, awal1.Category, awal1.Product,
awal1.Location, awal1."Begin",akhir1."End", strftime("%s",akh
ir1."End")-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin") as Difference from awal1,
akhir1 where awal1.Code = akhir1.Code and akhir1.Category like awa
l1.Category || '%' and awal1.Product = akhir1.Product and
awal1.Location = akhir1.Location and akhir1."End" >= awal1."Begin";
A1220    SMALL    FOOD    MARGARINE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:42:46
2007-05-06 11:42:46    0
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 2    2007-05-06 11:31:57
2007-05-06 11:31:57    0
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:31:57
2007-05-06 11:31:57    0
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:31:57
2007-05-06 11:42:46    649
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:42:46
2007-05-06 11:42:46    0
A1222    SMALL    FOOD    WAFER    HOMS 2    2007-05-06 11:20:34
2007-05-06 11:31:57    683
A1222    SMALL    FOOD    WAFER    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:20:34
2007-05-06 11:31:57    683
A1222    SMALL    FOOD    WAFER    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:20:34
2007-05-06 11:42:46    1332
A1222    SMALL    FOOD    WAFER    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:42:46
2007-05-06 11:42:46    0
A1236    MEDIUM    FOOD    SNACK    HOMS 2    2007-05-06 10:48:57
2007-05-06 11:19:21    1824
A1236    MEDIUM    FOOD    SNACK    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 10:48:57
2007-05-06 11:19:25    1828
A1269    SMALL    CLOTHES    BELT    HOMS 3    2007-05-07 17:28:25
2007-05-07 17:28:27    2

The group by clause combines rows
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:31:57
2007-05-06 11:31:57    0
A1221    SMALL    FOOD    CAKE    HOMS 1    2007-05-06 11:31:57
2007-05-06 11:42:46    649
into 1 row. The values in the columns not included in the group by
clause ("Begin", "End" and Difference) could be from any of the
combined rows (which rows is not, I believe, specified in any
standard). MySql and Sqlite seem to result in different selections. If
you want specific rows, then you need to modify the query to control
the data selection. In this case it appears that:
select    awal1.Code,
    min( akhir1."End" ),
    min( strftime("%s",akhir1."End")-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin")  ) as 
from    awal1, akhir1
where    awal1.Code = akhir1.Code and
    akhir1.Category like awal1.Category || '%' and
    awal1.Product = akhir1.Product and
    awal1.Location = akhir1.Location and
    akhir1."End" >= awal1."Begin"
group by    awal1."Begin",

gives the result you want.



thanks to Simon. it works!!!!. but i have some question. i hope u can help me 
to explain these :

1. is it necessary or not to specify min(awal1.begin).
2. is "min(strftime("%s",akhir1."End")-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin")) as 
Difference" is more time consuming to compute than 
"strftime("%s",min(akhir1."End"))-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin") as Difference". 
i think these give the same result.
3. akhir1.Category like awal1.Category || '%'. what does it mean? why is use || 
'%'???. why not to write "awal1.category = akhir1.category". it also give the 
same result.

once again, i would say thank you for ur solution. sory for my bad english.

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