2008/12/23 Rachmat Febfauza <mathi...@yahoo.com>:
> =================
> thanks to Simon. it works!!!!. but i have some question. i hope u can help me 
> to explain these :
> 1. is it necessary or not to specify min(awal1.begin).

No. "Begin" is part of the 'group by' clause. Each distinct value of
"Begin" will be represented in the result set.

> 2. is "min(strftime("%s",akhir1."End")-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin")) as 
> Difference" is more time consuming to compute than 
> "strftime("%s",min(akhir1."End"))-strftime("%s",awal1."Begin") as 
> Difference". i think these give the same result.

Not sure. Can see no reason for there to be a significant performance

> 3. akhir1.Category like awal1.Category || '%'. what does it mean? why is use 
> || '%'???. why not to write "awal1.category = akhir1.category". it also give 
> the same result.

It does not give the same result with your originally posted data set.
The like operator matches similar text values; '%' is a wildcard.

See http://www.sqlite.org/lang_expr.html#like

> once again, i would say thank you for ur solution. sory for my bad english.

You're welcome,
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