On 27 Jul 2009, at 7:37pm, Paul Claessen wrote:

> So .. would anyone know a good book for seasoned programmers, who  
> are new to databases, that addresses all these issues?

If you're a seasoned programmer you probably don't need my advice.   
The problem is not databases, it's an understanding of how data in  
general can be handled: most RDBS systems are really just clever and  
intensive applications of balanced trees.  The archetypal books are

Knuth: _Art of Computer Programming_

once you've looked at those try

Aho, Ullman, Hopcroft: _Data Structures and Algorithms_

but these days you can learn a hell of a lot just Googling for  
'introduction theory RDBS' or variations on it.  Textbooks might be  
obsolete.  And I'm sorry but I learned this stuff so long ago I can no  
longer evaluate which books are good at teaching it: I can't put  
myself in the shoes of a learner.

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