At 22:41 -0800 25/01/2011, Darren Duncan wrote:

>How long have you been using Perl?
>Anyway, to start with I would replace the last couple lines with:
>    my $catalog_rowset = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("PRAGMA 
>table_info(contacts)") ;
>    my @col_names = map { $_->[1] } @{$catalog_rowset};
>    print join ', ', @col_names;

Yes, that's neat, and an encouragement to me to get 'map' into my 
head.  I've been using Perl long enough to know better but it's only 
when I need to advance my knowledge for a real task that I push my 
learning to meet the occasion.

>Another thing you can try is use DBI's special methods for basic 
>system catalog information, rather than using a SQL query to get 
>that information as you did, not that the way you did it is wrong 
>per se, but just an alternate means to the end.
>I refer to :
>    column_info ...

I did try a few things along those lines and seemed to come across 
the problem mentioned on that page : "...Unfortunately, 
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are seldom supported by the DBMS..." 
Nevertheless I obviously need to read more thoroughly.

Thank you.

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