On 26 Sep 2011, at 10:30pm, Tim Streater wrote:

>  it's quite possible that it can ask apache to run three or four threads more 
> or less simultaneously, each of which may want to modify the same set of 
> SQLite databases. Each such thread is a PHP script using the PDO interface; 
> this is under OS X 10.7.1 using whichever apache version/PHP/SQLite that 
> comes with it (it's all pretty recent, IIRC).

I have at least one setup using that combination of software apart from the 
single point that instead of using the PDO interface to SQLite, I'm using PHP's 
SQLIte3:: object-oriented interface.

> My question now is, if two or more PHP scripts are competing for access to 
> the same database, is "database schema has changed" a possible outcome?

Well, let's see what you're actually doing.  The following SQL commands should 
never cause that error: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, BEGIN, COMMIT.  What other SQL 
commands are you issuing ?  VACUUM or ANALYZE ?  CREATE or DROP ?

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