On 27 Sep 2011 at 12:23, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote: 

> On 27 Sep 2011, at 10:49am, Tim Streater wrote:
>> On 27 Sep 2011 at 00:19, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>>> I believe that VACUUM is one of the statements which counts as changing the
>>> schema, because it does its work by rewriting entire tables and/or indexes.
>>> So don't do a VACUUM when you're doing multi-process access.  Cut out the
>>> VACUUMs and see whether you still get this result code.
>> Ah, thanks, that's a good clue. I can do some work in that area to ensure
>> that the VACUUMs are done at a quiet moment.
> You might not need VACUUM at all.  I might use it just before I make a copy of
> the database file for transfer or archive, if it was important to me that the
> file was as small as possible.  But I have quite a few databases I've never
> bothered using VACUUM on at all.  Most of them shrink only by small amounts
> and probably start growing immediately afterwards anyway.

The databases that get vacuumed tend to have a fair amount of traffic in and 
out. So it's good to compress them from time to time. Not doing that when there 
is traffic has ended up being a couple of lines of PHP and a couple of lines of 
JavaScript, so if that avoids the issue in future I shall be well pleased.

Cheers  --  Tim
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