Hi, Simon,,

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:29 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 22 Oct 2013, at 9:17am, Igor Korot <ikoro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Now I am trying to add the "sqlite3.c" but I couldn't.
> > Going to "File"->"Add Files to,,," I see only my .cpp, .h and sqlite3.h
> > files. I don't see sqlite3.c file in the "Add File" dialog.
> >
> > Is there any setting I need to turn in order to be able to do so?
> Drag your .c and .h files directly from the Finder into some part of the
> project structure window on the left of the Xcode layout.  There's usually
> a section called something like 'Other source' or something like that,
> though theoretically they can go anywhere.

OK. That's easy.

> Once you've done that, look at the properties for those files and make
> sure that Xcode knows that the  .c file is C, not C++.

And this is not. ;-)
How do I check the properties of this file? Right click on it? And what do
I check?
I am very new to XCode, so I need to get this from very basic.

> > Also about the db file.
> > I need to move it to the bundle.
> Again, drag it into some part of the window on the left, then look at the
> properties and make sure that Xcode has it marked for inclusion in the
> bundle.  No need to specifically set up another build stage or anything
> that complicated.

Well, I did it this way to put the icon file in and though assumed that the
process will work for SQLite DB file. Guess I was wrong.
And here again - how do I check that this file is marked? Where to go and
what to look for?

> From the way you asked the question I assume that your application will
> only need to read from that database, not change it.  That's fine.  OS X
> may be a little alarmed at an application which tries to change the
> contents of its own bundle.

If you mean "change the structure of the tables" - yes. The DB is created
and the tables will not be changed.

Thank you.

> Simon.
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