On 5/20/15, R.Smith <rsmith at rsweb.co.za> wrote:
> ANY solution that
> relies on something not guaranteed is a bad solution.

Here is a disturbing truth:  There are no guarantees.

Those transistors that make up your CPU - they turn on and off when
current is applied to their gate *with a certain probability*.  The
trick is to make that probability very close to 1.0 so that they
overall system works reliably.  Sometimes the probability of success
is increased by running multiple subsystems in parallel and voting.
This further increases the likelihood of a correct answer, but it is
not a guarantee.

The polarity of a magnetic domain on your disk drive is read by a
passing read head with a certain probability, close to 1.0 but not
quite as close as you might imagine.  Sometimes bits are read
incorrectly.  Various error correcting codes increase the probability
of a correct read-out, though they do not achieve certainty.
Likewise, the charge on the floating gates in your SSD are read out
probabilistically.  Quite a few bits in the flash memory of your SSD
are devoted to correcting read errors, and increasing the probability
of a correct read.  But that probability never quite reaches 1.0.

The signals traveling through your network cable and bringing you this
message are read with a finite reliability.  Very sophisticated coding
techniques are used to bring the probability of detecting a corrupted
transmission to very near 1.0, so that bad packets can be discarded
and retried.  But those techniques are not perfect.  They are not

Everything about your computer is based on probabilities.  Things are
engineered so that the probabilities are very close to 1.0, and we are
given the illusion that they are certainty.  But they are not.

Some people may say that such and such an algorithm is *guaranteed* to
give the right answer.  But that is true only under the assumption
that the algorithm runs on a fault-free computer.  And no such
computer exists, and so the assumption is false.

You can never make a perfect machine, or a perfect program, or a
perfect system.  The art of engineering is to get as close to
perfection as you can, so that nobody notices the imperfections.

The only guarantee you have is a negative: your system will eventually
fail.  Your job as a programmer, designer, or engineer, is to make the
expected time to failure as large as possible.

All that said, there exist scenarios where using a random number as an
ID comes closer to guaranteeing that the ID is unique than any other
technique you are likely to invent.

D. Richard Hipp
drh at sqlite.org

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