"Just to chime in here:  First off, how are you going to generate them? How
will you avoid collisions? Why should it be necessary to using that much
storage space for a primary key and what's the reason for not using
blazingly-fast integers?..."

chance of collision is slim... it's a truly large amount of bits...
There's libuuid for linux, and builtin functions for windows to create them.

I personally have come to like UUIDs... as I can build large related
transactions of data without storing them in the database and retrieving
what the auto-increment ID is to fixup the other related rows.  I can build
a complex transaction set without touching the database, and only on the
slim chance of a collision update keys.  (haven't yet ever hit that fixup
code except in test cases where I purposely chose bad keys)

Using the birthday paradox calculation(
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem) , it takes "only after
generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for the next 100 years, the
probability of creating just one duplicate would be about 50%." (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) and that's not
even a real 50%...

Most tools support copy and paste if you really want to use a key and
select rows joined with a separate statement. Rarely do I ever have to
worry about having to 'remember a number' to do a select... I just do my
normal select on criteria with appropriate joins and forget the keys; or
select from appropriate views that already have the joins...

Some databases perform better if you use a 'sequential uuid' (MS SQL) the
others don't seem to care one way or another for performance... a squential
UUID uses the first long as like milliesecond timestamp that is always
forward-going, and retains the random parts for everything else (other than
the digit that's supposed to idenfity the source of the UUID creator... so
even changing that digit to not '4' puts out out of collision of most other

Once upon a time part of the standard was 'use the ethernet MAC address as
part of the number' but that was seen as an exploit that gave unscrupulous
people information, this was later patched and removed and only existed for
a few years near the turn of the century (a decade+ ago).

Oh and the other feature! of UUIDs is merging databases... if I have a
database deployed to 15 customers, each with their own ORGID I can easily
throw them in the same database without worrying about fixing up primary
keys and all records related to those keys.

Also given a badly designed schema, I can definitely tell what columns
relate to other columns, as the primary keys will only show up once, and
all other columns, even if badly named, can be matched that that's actually
the source key they reference.

I find that generally those who say 'yuck, don't do that' have never done
it.  And those that have, will never go back to simple integers again.

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