On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:

> This seems to be at odds with my understanding of "2.1 Record Format" of
> the document. Given that it reads the row varint, which contains the length
> of itself and the serial types of the columns, in order, it should be
> completely able to skip the reading of unneeded columns. If I have 39,39,39
> as my header (excepting the length of header) I know I am dealing with 3
> text columns of 13 bytes each. If I want only the last column, I can then
> seek(78), read(26). At no time did I need to read the prior two columns.
> Or did I misunderstand something?

You seem to miss what Scott and Paul already explained, which is that
SQLite is *paged*.
The IO increment is the page (from 1/2K to 64K, with 1K, 2K, 4K, and 8K
being popular choices I think).
An SQLite file is a 100 byte header, and then N pages of a given size,
determined at DB creation time.
The sqlite_master table is the "root" page, which lists all tables,
indexes, etc, and their starting page in that file.
Look at the diagram to the right of http://www.sqlite.org/vfs.html (that I
already sent).
All IO is done by the *pager*, as it names indicate, it reads and writes

What you call "reading" column c1, skip c2, etc... is not "reading" per se.
It's "decrypting" the memory block that represents a disk file page, that
the pager read from file (actual IO of a whole page) and put in the page
it's a layered architecture with clean separation of concerns and
responsibilities. --DD

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