Jim Holtz wrote: 
> If I understand this correctly, this sounds like it's pointing at my
> router or possibly a problem with the built in ethernet on the mother
> board. What confuses me is my Touch which is hard wired works perfectly
> but the receiver when hard wired still skips. That doesn't make sense to
> me.

At the moment you can't say specifically where the problem is and it is
foolish to rule any part of the system out.  So focussing on differences
may help point to source of problem. 
As I understand it  
(i) the problem only occurs with files (i.e. finite TCP connection) 
Either you don't play internet radio or it doesn't happen with internet
radio (infinite TCP connection)  
(ii) Receiver has problems but Touch has not 
(iii) Problem on receiver occurs more often with Flac than with WAV.  

The main difference between Touch and Receiver when playing a Wav and
Flac stream will be the size of the internal buffer.  Receiver has a
smaller buffer so it will not have enough space for whole file in memory
so while Receiver will receive roughly the same number of packet as a
Touch, Touch can take a big burst in the beginning perhaps the whole
file whereas Receiver will be constantly asking for data while it is
playing. So if you have a "bursty" random type of network problem - it
will affect Receiver more than Touch when playing files. 

There are three step I would carry out initiially.
1. Confirm that Touch is not affected by the problem by playing either
long single file or internet Radio for say 15-20 mins. 
2. Check network configuration of the players - this is hard on a
receiver so the best you can do is look at LMS Setting/Infortmation
page.  Just confirm that IP address and Mac address are sensible and do
not change.
3. Are players using static IP or DHCP.  If using DHCP are you using a
reserved IP address for Receiver  - if not what is the DHCP lease time
in the router ? if it is in minutes set lease time to very long - like
24 hours.

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