Black Senator wrote: 
> To be honest, I had been thinking about users and rights for some time.
> 1. volumio 2 has no log in user >root<, but only the user >volumio<
> 2. the installation and start/stop of the server can only be done with
> >sudo ...< (unlike the previous installation on the NAS)
> As I said, I am a LINUX Newbie. In the area user, rights and
> permissions, I am actually inexperienced. Or in other words, I can not
> answer your question.

No root and using "sudo" is normal for many distro - there are plenty of
post regarding the security rationale for this approach. 

I don't know volumio distro and it seems to have done something weird or
else you have done LMS installation incorrectly

1. Get back onto volumnio message boards as it seems to be a volumio
2. Learn more Linux.

Permissision basics  - read onling there are plenty of tutorials.

Each userid is a member of a group.

Files and directories have basically 3 perrmissions - Read, Write and 
Files and Directories are owned by a user (who is in a group) - so each
file has an owning User and Group  and so to control access to a
file/duirec -  permissions on the file / directory are set for the
Owner, The owning Group and Others

So to check if squeeze+ can write to /var/log
1. Check the gorup to which squeeze+ belong 
2. Check the ownership of the /var/log directory 
3. Compare permission of /var /log for User, Group and Others against

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