pupvogel wrote: 
> The mainboard actually has two network interfaces (Qualcomm Atheros and
> Intel), but the Intel interface is deactivated in the BIOS, so it is not
> even showing up in Windows Device Manager. And switching from Atheros to
> Intel interface did not help.
> This Teredo-stuff is always displayed on my machine, even if I disable
> ipv6.
> And it is also displayed on the new Win10-test-installation, on which
> LMS works.
> Don't you see this in your system, too ?

I don't have Win10 -  since the problem is hard to determine, I am
pointing out area where known LMS issues occur - multiple network
interfaces is one. Interface are usually selected from command line
The main error "invalid host" occurs on a API where the host address
(i.e. IP address) supplied is considered invalid. If DNS had failed - it
would have been shown as an earlier error - so there is something odd.
Are yiu using 

On the working Win10 system - have you done the same command ipconfig
/all etc. to see if there is a difference ?

GIven the working system is a "clean" system but has exactly same LMS
software as "old" "faulty" system - then it would seem possible the
problem with the "faulty" system is due to "old" files ort "old "
settings somewhere
Have you cleaned out all old occurances of "Logitech Media Server" from
the Windows firewall ? with each install an entry is made for the
application - it is a good idea to clean out all old entries and then
manually add a new on for current version.
With each new install of  LMS, the Activestate Perl system "expands" the
.exe and old undeleted "expansions" used to cause problems - I need to
find out where these can be found and deleted.

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