Oke effen better got it to work.
But must say understand the overhead. it takes for ever to scan.
And no there is no website to reference to. ( as for as i can find )
But a lot off my music already been having a fingerprint through beets.
( Which if i understand correctly, uses the same way to fingerprint )
Found some referents in the SSOS/SSOTS source regarding MusicIP.

Qeustion i could send you a test version when iḿ ready with
And sure make it a option, which one has to activeted to uses.

yeomanspc wrote: 
> A lot of people stopped using it because it was hard to make it work. 
> But it produces the best mixes (no doubt) because it works of the actual
> music fingerprints rather than tags.
> SSOTS included it, but since the BASH issues with SSOTS (and SSOTS no
> longer being supported making updates a hassle), MUSICIP got left
> behind.  You might find that some people do not want the additional
> overhead of having it running, so it has to be an option.  Also, the
> binaries are only for Intel - not ARM.
> But I am spending a lot of time trying to get it working (my Linux
> skills are almost zero).  Even if you can produce a 'how-to' document
> that would be appreciated, but if you could produce a simple QPKG that
> would be fabulous.
> Many thanks for looking at this.  I am not having much luck with the
> MUSICIP container (can't seem to access the music), and in any case,
> containers do not run on a lot of the older QNAPs.
> How it works?  It is a server that analyses the music, and creates a
> file containing fingerprint data of the music 'profile'.  Every track
> has fingerprint data, and if you want a mix of similar tracks then it
> provides the list to LMS.  The interface is through port 10002 (or
> whatever you configure).  The installation parameters are stored in an
> ini file called mmm.ini, and the fingerprint cache is stored in
> 'default.m3lib (but you define the name in the ini file).  It has to be
> started prior to LMS so that LMS can interface to it once running.  
> In windows there is a GUI and additional function (like writing the
> fingerprint data into the MP3 tags), but mostly it runs fine headless in
> Linux.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.1 ( with spotty and youtube )
Serval raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*
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