I gave perl full disk access but it still doesn't find anything on my
USB drive.  And my players have disappeared too - Help!?

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1568726655 @ Tue Sep 17 15:45:31
CEST 2019
Operating system: macOS 10.15 - EN - utf8
Perl Version: 5.18.4 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.066
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
Total Players Recognized: 0


sgmlaw wrote: 
> No.  What actually happened is that LMS could no longer access any
> folders on the host system as media library targets.  The system gave no
> prompts.  The media library just ‘disappeared’ in LMS, as “empty”.
> In my LMS implementation, all media and user data except those forced to
> the OS drive to run the apps, are kept on an external TB stack. 
> Including all audio files.
> Catalina now finally does that in a virtual sense via further hidden
> partitioning of the boot volume into a “Data” drive, where OS user data
> is kept.  Under Catalina, the core OS now operates in its own separate
> read-only volume.  A protected play pen of sorts.  What I had been
> indirectly trying to do for over 20 years.
> In the past, the OS has left my external data drive mainly unmolested,
> so there was never a library issue before.  But Catalina implements a
> more aggressive file access protection/permissions protocol than Mojave.
> It now more aggressively limits access to external and removable
> drives.  I recalled encountering similar issues with 3rd party backup
> apps in Mojave, as they also access the OS volume.  The workaround is to
> give the apps full disk access permissions.  Once I was able to get perl
> listed with those same permissions, LMS was able to access its external
> library targets again.

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