Lestrad wrote: 
> [Later] Turns out that server.log was huge. Removed it and all seems
> well.

Well, all was well until the Wandboard began refusing connections. It
was working fine, but suddenly it began refusing all connections (it
does respond to a ping with no problem). Until now I have been
connecting to the board using SSH from my desktop computer. The last
thing I was able to do, as I recall, was to change the Locale from the
default "C" to EN_US-utf8 (so that accented characters could be read by
LMS). But now every time I try to connect I get the "Connection refused"
message. To me this implies that the board has booted.

So I tried connecting the board to a monitor via the HDMI port and
plugging in a keyboard via the USB port. When I power on the Quad, I get
the Wandboard.org logo on the screen, but after that nothing except a
flashing HDMI port icon and then a "No Signal" message from the monitor.
The keyboard seems to be responding, because when I hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete
the board restarts and I see the Wandboard logo again, but after that
"No Signal" again.

Any suggestions as to how I can troubleshoot would be appreciated. I'm
ready to provide any information anyone might need.


PS I do realize that this is a Linux problem and not an LMS problem, but
it's very hard to get help, especially where Arch Linux is concerned.
And the Wandboard forum has more condom and We Write Your Term Paper
Guaranteed No Plagiarism ads than it does posts about the Wandboard.

Logitech Media Server Version: Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 -
ARCH-AUR-REL.7.9.2.arch2 running on Wandboard Quad, music library on
Squeezebox Touch plugged into run-of-the-mill stereo rig via Musical
Fidelity X-Act, extra speakers in kitchen, basement, and bedroom
connected by ordinary (not unidirectional) copper cable.
Lestrad's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40857
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103319

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