mherger wrote: 
> > This is where my knowledge of scanner vs LMS is limited.
> > The plugin uses registerParser to register.  Is there an additional
> > scanner only register routine  ? Why does it work in 7.9.* ?
> I'm not sure what is causing it (of course). But one difference between
> 7.9 and 8.0 is that the latter can import online ressources in to its 
> library. This lead to some changes how online URLs are being handled 
> when scanning. Maybe that's where something changed for the worse.

The registerParser routine puts an 'm3um3u8' entry into a hash
%tagClasses in
This entry is only available in LMS and not when separate scanner fork
is running.
I can';t see why it didn't fail earlier but I'm not bothered checking -
I think I can fix it up by an Importer doing same registerParser - but
it'll be later today before I can code & test so no need for further
comments as I can't answer them before then

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