bpa wrote: 
> If it has been deleted then there is no settings page.  So something has
> not been deleted maybe due to permissions (e.g. a file changed by a
> logged user and not LMS userid) .
> Using Windows file explorer make sure there is no Spotty directory in
> "InstalledPlugins\Plugins" and restart LMS and check again - LMS will
> reinstall if plugin is marked to be installed.
> Logs to enable plugin.extension and server.plugins which must be enabled
> to at elast log INFO  at startup and restart LMS to see what is
> happening with Spotty - is it being installed.
Ok, thanks for the last bit of information but, again, I'm not managing
to explain myself.

Spotty is *gone*. Completely. The plugins settings page I refer to is

[image: https://i.imgur.com/GFRYJwY.png]

In that page (I am not going there now because the server is scanning
the library right now) there is no Spotty installed. But accessing the
page, even after removing Spotty, caused the service to stop once more.
Hence my desire to try to debug this once and for all.

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