bpa wrote: 
> Unfortunately this tells me nothing useful about the player and its LMS
> capabilities. 
> Can it play AAC natively ?.
> edit:
> from Daphuile website "Daphile is based on the open source Squeezebox
> Server, Squeezelite and Linux."
> What version of Squeezelite does Daphile use ? What are the build
> options ?
> edit 2:
> As Daphile is a black hole in terms of details. Better to stick with
> Squeezelite-X as the test player as full details are available
> What version of Squeezelite-X are you using ?  Which version of
> Squeezelite is bundled with it ?

I'm trying the latest version of LMS
(LogitechMediaServer-8.0.0-1601455867) with the plugin of Paul running
FIP, AAC version.
So far I have no stop of the stream which is great.
I've checked the logs and I've found that the streams are using http and
NOT httpS...
Keep you posted if it remains stable.
Thanks for your support !

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