epoch1970 wrote: 
> .. 
> - During the day a shop assistant may use the web interface and make
> manual selections. My automaton derails if Random mix was set to use a
> virtual lib in particular.
> ..... 
> But during the day people may want to use the web interface (actually
> they do, thatÂ’s why the problem has emerged). 

When you say they make manual selection.. Do you mean they are allowed
to clear random mix playlist and add theirs selected album / song/
playlist ?
Or they can only skip or choose different song from your generated 

If former then it seems user vs machine (programmer) problem and I don't
know why library view would make a difference..
I think don't quite understand.. You would have to stop them somehow to
mess everything up [emoji23].. Or train proper use.. 

If it really is library views which you believe causes problem then you
could also segregate music with basic tags.. You can have multiple genre
tags with separator of your choice, so basically you could add genre tag
"safe" which would be used in 10am random mix.. This in scenario with
one main library maybe could work.? . I don't know.. Just thinking at
loud .

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
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