sön 2010-02-21 klockan 17:10 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:

> The only inter-process cooperation I plan to support initially is "N
> processes monitoring the same http_port (and doing everything else)".

I guess there will be no shared cache then?

> I am working on option (B). While more complex, I think (B) is much more
> powerful and flexible than (A). For example, (A) cannot efficiently
> support reconfiguration when http_ports need changing.

Not without restarting the worker processes no.

> If you think a different approach would be better, please let me know.

If things gets broken down like follows:

* Forwarding processes. Listens on an http_port. Processes protocols.
Forwards requests. Limited internal caching.

* Persistent Object Caches, disk and/or memory


* DNS Cache

each with their own process, then for most purposes, 'a' would work
fine. A config change involving http_port changes then sets up new
worker processes for those ports and tells the existing ones to shut


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