lör 2010-02-20 klockan 19:14 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
> Hello,
>     If you recall, I am working on Squid that starts multiple processes,
> each doing similar things. Even with this simple design, folks want to
> (a) have differently configured processes (e.g., a process that is
> dedicated to a given http_port or even a cache_dir option); and
> (b) bind processes to specific CPU cores (i.e., support CPU affinity)

Ok. Sounds good so far.

At this time I don't really care what is done at the config level for
this. Instead I will focus on some other aspects which I think need to
be covered first..

I guess the main question to ask is interaction between processes.
Mainly sharing of cache etc. How do these impact the chosen model?

In the longer term model I see that we will have several cooperating
processes, for example

N processes monitoring http_port, forwarding requests. May be several
different configurations used among these processes.

M processes maintaining caches (object, ip, etc) shared by some/all of
the above. The exact model how this is done is yet to be determined.

X shared data resources of different kinds with no dedicated process


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